Attention Prior to Purchasing - To purchase you must be an established patient at Natural Med Doc. All peptides are prescription based and must have physician approval.


Sermorelin stimulates the release of human growth hormone (HGH), aiding in weight loss, boosting energy levels, improving sleep quality, increasing muscle mass, enhancing collagen production, and supporting cardiovascular, immune, skin, and bone health.



Sermorelin is a peptide analogue of growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) designed to stimulate natural growth hormone (GH) secretion. By mimicking GHRH, Sermorelin helps improve metabolic function, energy levels, and overall well-being.

Key Benefits:

  • Increases lean muscle mass and athletic performance
  • Promotes fat breakdown
  • Enhances energy and vitality
  • Improves wound healing
  • Supports cardiovascular and immune function
  • Deepens sleep quality
  • Strengthens bones
  • Improves collagen density and skin quality
  • Stimulates natural growth hormone release