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PE 22-28

PE-22-28 is a peptide therapy that targets the TREK-1 channel to enhance mood, cognitive function, and neurogenesis, offering rapid and effective depression management with minimal side effects.


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PE-22-28 is a peptide therapy designed to support mood regulation, cognitive function, and depression management. Derived from Spadin, a naturally occurring protein, PE-22-28 works by inhibiting the TREK-1 channel, a critical pathway in the brain associated with mood, memory, and learning. By targeting this receptor, PE-22-28 promotes rapid neurogenesis and enhances mental well-being with fewer side effects compared to traditional antidepressants.

Key Benefits:

  • Aids in depression management
  • Accelerates neurogenesis faster than conventional treatments
  • Promotes the formation of synaptic connections in the brain
  • Reduces the risk of side effects compared to standard antidepressant medications
  • Enhances muscle functionality
  • Beneficial for post-stroke depression (PSD)
  • Supports treatment of neurodegenerative conditions