Attention Prior to Purchasing - To purchase you must be an established patient at Natural Med Doc. All peptides are prescription based and must have physician approval.

NMD Base Member ($19 Per Month)

$19.00 / month with a 14-day free trial



Enroll in NMD Base Membership for Only $19 Per Month.

  • Direct messages to your provider in between appointments

  • Access to Natural Med Doc App

  • Premium Support & Text Line

  • Private FB Group Community

  • Discounted Visits:
    • $174 per doctor consult
    • $75 health coach
    • $15 per blood draw

Our Process Get's Results! 

Karen Herman
Doctors take time with patients. Discuss & explain everything. Very nice office and staff. Makes you feel heard.
Deborah Ross-Carter
I am so glad Natural Med Doc exists! I've been a patient for over a year and half and my hormone issues have improved drastically! Dr. Bennett is wonderful. She listens to your concerns, she makes great recommendations and she is very thorough when going over labs. I've never had that with other doctors before. Despite the fact that insurance does not cover this, the expense is well worth it. I would highly recommend coming here if you do not want to put synthetic hormone meds in your body!
Christina Boston
3 months of visits to Natural Med Doc has made good improvements to my health. They have uncovered issues I didn’t even know were important to healing. Already I have felt improved energy and have lost weight. Thank you Dr Richardson for believing in me.