Attention Prior to Purchasing - To purchase you must be an established patient at Natural Med Doc. All peptides are prescription based and must have physician approval.


Larazotide is a peptide therapy used to treat digestive concerns, shown to improve inflammatory conditions, integrity of intestinal lining, leaky gut syndrome, and more.


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Larazotide is a synthetic peptide therapy designed to regulate tight junctions in the digestive tract and act as a zonulin antagonist. By reducing intestinal barrier permeability, Larazotide helps restore the functionality of the intestinal lining, contributing to improved gut health and the management of inflammatory conditions.

Key Benefits:

  • Supports the treatment of inflammatory conditions
  • Improves intestinal barrier functionality
  • Helps manage Leaky Gut Syndrome
  • Reduces inappropriate passage of molecules across the intestinal lining
  • May aid in reversing damage caused by celiac disease