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IGF-LR3 is a synthetic analogue of insulin-like growth factor 1 that enhances muscle growth, fat metabolism, and cell regeneration with improved potency and extended activity.


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IGF-LR3 is a synthetic analogue of human insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), designed to enhance potency and metabolic stability. Modified with an additional 13 amino acids at its N-terminus and a substitution of arginine for glutamic acid at the third position, IGF-LR3 has a prolonged half-life of 20–30 hours, making it approximately three times more potent than native IGF-1. These modifications also reduce its affinity for IGF-binding proteins, increasing its activity and effectiveness.

Key Benefits:

  • Supports protein synthesis for cellular growth and repair
  • Regulates fat storage and promotes fat-to-energy conversion
  • Encourages lean muscle growth while reducing body fat
  • Enhances nerve tissue regeneration
  • Boosts antioxidant activity for cellular protection
  • Stimulates hyperplasia in muscle cells, leading to fuller, healthier tissue development