Attention Prior to Purchasing - To purchase you must be an established patient at Natural Med Doc. All peptides are prescription based and must have physician approval.


GHK-Cu is a naturally occurring tripeptide that promotes skin regeneration, collagen production, wound healing, and overall tissue repair while reducing inflammation and supporting hair growth.


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GHK-Cu is a naturally occurring tripeptide composed of glycine, histidine, and lysine, combined with copper to support skin regeneration, wound healing, and overall tissue repair. Its levels naturally decline with age, reducing the body's regenerative capacity, but supplementation helps restore these functions.

Key Benefits:

  • Enhances skin elasticity and firmness
  • Reduces hyperpigmentation and diminishes skin spots
  • Boosts collagen production for improved skin health
  • Alleviates inflammation and promotes wound healing
  • Minimizes infections and facilitates tissue repair
  • Promotes hair growth and increases hair follicle size
  • Stimulates stem cell production
  • Supports bone repair and regeneration
  • Exhibits anti-metastatic properties