Increase Energy, Lose Weight & Resolve Anxiety

Goodyear Hormone Specialist

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Do You Experience Any Of The Following?

  • Weight gain or loss
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Bloating
  • Trouble Sleeping
  • Regulation of Metabolism
  • Hunger Cravings
  • Dry Skin
  • Increased Urination
  • Lower Energy
  • Problems with blood sugar
  • Depression
  • Sensitivity to cold or heat
  • Increased thirst
  • Muscle Weakness
  • Loss of libido / Sex Drive
  • Mood Swings
  • Blurred Vision
  • Dry Skin
  • Sweating
  • Thinning Hair
  • Increased of Thirst
  • And More…
Symptoms Listed Above May Be Caused By Hormonal Imbalance. Hormone Therapy Can Help!
Book Your Free Hormonal Balance Consultation To Learn More!

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Or Call! 480-630-9093

About Natural Med Doc

Identify, Treat, and Eliminate.

Many patients reach out to us due to their frustrations with conventional medical doctors and pharmaceutical treatments. We provide an alternative to health clinics with long wait times and cookie-cutter, unpersonalized care that doesn’t address the root causes.

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I will recommend this clinic to anyone that needs answers. Answers to why their body isn’t feeling right… I am so happy to finally start feeling better after seeing so many different doctors and not finding the right solution. Thanks Dr Garcia for making things clear and helpful. Everyone in this clinic makes you feel at home and so comfortable.
If you haven’t tried Natural Med Doc you’re missing out! They don’t mess around they get to the bottom of what your needs are. Very happy with my decision to work with them.
From the very first appointment, my doctor (Garcia) was so caring. She listened attentively. She gave detailed instructions. She went into detail about everything that was unhealthy with me. She is patient with my questions and answers all of them. My progress is great. I've been to many doctors but she is the ONE that I am getting results with.

Goodyear Health Concerns

It's no secret that life can be stressful and overwhelming at times, and unfortunately, women in their teens, 20s and 30s often have the added burden of hormonal imbalance to contend with. This can result in a host of unpleasant symptoms, including irregular menstrual cycles, pelvic pain and uterine fibroids.

What's more, it turns out that a staggering 80% of women suffer from hormonal imbalances, with many unaware that they're even experiencing these issues. Here in Goodyear, that translates to 39,233 women who may be struggling with these hormonal imbalances - a number that is unfortunately all too high.

Luckily, recognizing the signs and seeking help can make a world of difference for those affected.

What are the benefits of balanced hormones?

A harmonious hormonal state is crucial for a fulfilling life. As hormones regulate homeostasis, it's essential to maintain their balance for optimal health. Here are the top three advantages of balanced hormones:

  • Supreme strength achievement: When hormones are balanced, it becomes easier to exercise and build muscle.
  • Emotional stability: Balanced levels of dopamine and serotonin contribute to a sense of calm and emotional control.
  • Restful slumber: Research has shown that balanced hormones aid relaxation and restful sleep, with HRT treatments addressing conditions like insomnia, migraines, and anxiety.

Our experienced hormone doctors in Goodyear have developed an effective system to balance your hormones, offering various health benefits while preventing adverse symptoms related to hormonal imbalances.

Dedicated Hormone Doctors in Goodyear

Natural Med Doc is one of the top-performing naturopathic clinics in the city. Our unique use of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy in Goodyear has garnered a lot of traction and praise from our patients.

With our hormone doctors in Goodyear, our patients can rest assured that every care and treatment they would receive is data-driven and high-quality.

Coupled with our friendly and well-trained staff, we guarantee that every service and treatment we provide is specific and tailored to each patient’s unique needs.

From diagnostics and analysis up to treatment and maintenance, our clinic is one of the go-to hormone therapy in the city.

Book a free consultation now and see you there!

Give Our Goodyear Hormone Clinic a Call Today!

Meet Our Experts - Highly Trained Physicians

Dr. Sarah Bennett

Dr. Sarah Bennett

Dr. Bennett is the co-founder of Natural Med Doc. She received her degree from South West College of Naturopathic Medicine, did a year residency at Keystone Natural Family medicine, and received additional training for aesthetics at the national laser institute.

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Dr. Nallely Ibarra

Dr. Nallely Ibarra

Dr. Ibarra received her medical degree from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and B.S. in Human Nutrition from Arizona State University. She has experience with both conventional and naturopathic medicine. In addition, she speaks fluent Spanish.

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Dr. Roxanna Garcia

Dr. Roxanna Garcia

Dr. Garcia received her degree from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and completed her undergraduate degree from the University of Arizona in Neuroscience and Cognitive Sciences. She is also a part-time teacher for nutrition at ASU.

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Dr. Dorian Richardson

Dr. Dorian Richardson

Dr. Richardson received her degree from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. She received her Bachelors in Science from North Carolina A&T State University.

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Dr. Jessica Springhetti

Dr. Jessica Springhetti

Dr. Jessica Springhetti graduated from Sonoran University and Alma College, blending conventional and naturopathic medicine expertise. She specializes in IBS, PCOS, and skin issues, and embraces holistic well-being. Outside work, she enjoys weightlifting and music.

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Sydney Huntsinger, Health Coach

Sydney Huntsinger, Health Coach

Sydney, a University of the Incarnate Word alum and ex-D1 and Semi-Pro soccer player, thrives as a NASM Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach. Expert in functional fitness, she also guides clients in nutrition and chronic health management. Enthusiastic about outdoor adventures, Sydney loves hiking and camping.

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Most frequent questions and answers

Do you take insurance?

Unfortunately, we do not know any other naturopathic doctors in Arizona that take insurance and deliver the same quality of care we do. We are a cash-based medical practice that goes above and beyond for each patient. This has allowed us to get better results and solve unwanted health symptoms that many patients have been dealing with for decades. Cost varies based on the patient’s needs.

*Please Note: We do accept HSA cards.

Do you provide testosterone?

Yes, our services include bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, one of which is testosterone.

Additional Resources:

Do you run labs through insurance?

Yes, we are able to run labs through your insurance. We also offer affordable cash-based labs.

Do we have a guarantee?

The human body is very complex. Hence why our traditional cookie cutter medical system leaves millions of individuals with health concerns.

This is also most likely why you are reaching out to us today.

Therefore, we can’t guarantee results since what works for someone may not necessarily work for you.

However, we can promise you that the care we provide you WILL NOT be the same care we provide someone else. We provide personalized medical attention using the latest research and trends that exists. We encourage you to watch some of our videos and/or read some of our blog articles to better understand how our doctors think.

How do you treat me if my hormone levels are off?

We will start you off by running a comprehensive lab panel to assess common imbalances that dramatically impact your health. This includes a comprehensive sex hormone panel individualized based on your concerns.

A few commonly assessed values are Testosterone Free and Total, Estradiol, Estrone, and Progesterone. Panels may include more values based on each patient’s individual needs.

Treatments may include diet and lifestyle recommendations, herbal and nutrient supplementation, and/ or bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (bHRT). bHRT uses exogenous hormones derived from natural means to help balance hormone levels in your body.

Additional Resources:

What is the cost?

We pride ourselves on offering premium medical care that gets results. Cost varies based on patient needs.

For additional information on our cost and process please book a free consultation by clicking here.

Questions On How We Treat Patients? Click Here to See Treatment FAQs.

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