Attention Prior to Purchasing - To purchase you must be an established patient at Natural Med Doc. All peptides are prescription based and must have physician approval.

Healthy Flora

Shelf Stable 50 Billion CFU Probiotic | 30 Count


SKU: NMD-PBM050 Category: Tags: , , ,


  • High Potency 50 Billion CFU - Featuring ten of the most highly-researched probiotic strains, with each strain and specific CFU count being fully disclosed. These strains are capable of surviving the harsh journey to the intestines, where they can support GI health & immune health.
  • Delayed-Release Technology - These capsules use delayed release technology as well as unique moisture-resistant, desiccant-lined packaging to further enhance survivability.
  • Shelf Stable & Dairy Free - This novel packaging removes the need for refrigeration, making this dairy-free probiotic convenient for travelers and anyone on the go.
  • Always Pure & Effective Products - This product is Non-GMO, Vegetarian-Friendly, and contains No Gluten or Dairy.
  • Natural Med Docs #1 choice for top-quality professional strength supplements. Our "Science First" philosophy ensures our products are based on the most recent research and use the highest quality raw ingredients.